Empowering EV Charging Networks: ENCS and Milence Collaborate to Bolster Cybersecurity

In a strategic move to fortify Europe’s energy sector resilience, The European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) has teamed up with Milence, marking a significant step in cybersecurity for high-capacity Electric Vehicle (EV) charging networks.

ENCS: Pioneering Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure

Established in 2012, ENCS is a non-profit membership organization that brings together critical infrastructure stakeholders and security experts. It fosters collaboration between academia, government, and businesses, mobilizing researchers and test specialists for applied research, defining technical security requirements, and conducting comprehensive testing, education, and training.

Milence Joins as ENCS’ First Charge Point Operator (CPO) Member

Milence, now ENCS’ first Charge Point Operator (CPO) member, underscores its commitment to establishing and operating 1,700 high-capacity public heavy-duty EV charging points across Europe by 2027. This collaboration is crucial as the rollout of Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC) infrastructure accelerates throughout the continent.

Addressing the Growing Challenges in Cybersecurity

With the European EV public charger count exceeding 600,000 by Q3 2023, Milence recognizes the pressing need for robust cybersecurity measures. Joining ENCS enables Milence to identify cybersecurity needs, conduct risk analysis, and test its assets to implement practical solutions. The surge in charging points not only places a significant demand on the grid but also exposes these vital assets to associated cybersecurity risks.

Milence’s Perspective on the Collaboration

“Cybersecurity is a particularly demanding field that requires constant questioning of its practices and knowledge,” notes a representative from Milence. The collaboration with ENCS, known for its track record in supporting Charge Point Operators (CPOs) with cybersecurity needs, aligns with Milence’s commitment to strengthen its cybersecurity practices.

ENCS Welcomes Milence to its Community

ENCS acknowledges Milence’s membership as a testament to its track record in providing practical solutions for European CPO cybersecurity. The collaboration is seen as timely, considering the rapid expansion of EVC infrastructure in Europe. Milence’s industry expertise and knowledge are expected to make valuable contributions to ENCS’ network.

Conclusion: A Collaborative Approach to Cyber Protection

As Milence joins forces with ENCS, the collaboration signifies a concerted effort to enhance cybersecurity for high-capacity EV charging networks. With the shared goal of establishing and operating extensive EV charging points, this partnership underscores the industry’s commitment to fortify cybersecurity practices and address the evolving challenges in Europe’s dynamic energy sector. The collaboration sets the stage for collective progress in ensuring the resilience of critical EV infrastructure.

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