Choosing the Right EV Tariff

Great news for electric vehicle (EV) owners – dedicated EV tariffs are making a comeback! Leveraging a smart EV charging app with a multi-rate EV tariff can lead to substantial savings. However, with a plethora of options on the market, it’s crucial to choose the most suitable tariff for your circumstances. In this article, we’ll guide you on finding the best home energy tariff and avoiding common pitfalls. Is an EV Tariff Right for You? Before diving into an EV tariff, assess whether it aligns with your needs.

  1. Smart Meter: Ensure you have a smart meter installed, as it’s a prerequisite for switching to an EV tariff.
  1. Understanding Daily Energy Usage With most EV tariffs, both peak and off-peak rates apply to all electricity consumption at home, not just EV charging. Consider your household’s energy needs during peak hours, factoring in appliances like washing machines and heaters. Although an EV may increase overall consumption, the switch to an EV tariff often proves economical, especially if peak rates for other home electricity usage are slightly higher. Maximizing Off-Peak Advantage For optimal savings with an EV tariff, charging during off-peak hours is key. If your schedule prohibits off-peak charging or if most of your charging occurs away from home, an EV tariff might not be the ideal choice. Tip: Utilize an EV smart charging app, like, to monitor charging patterns and make informed decisions. Mileage Matters Higher mileage translates to more significant savings with an EV tariff. According to real-world data from the app, a UK driver covering 10,000 miles annually could save an average of £599, including cash rewards. Leveraging Solar Panels If you have solar panels, consider harnessing your free-to-generate solar power for EV charging. This approach reduces reliance on the grid and may favor optimized solar charging options like SOLAR. Essential Equipment: Smart Meter To switch to an EV tariff, a smart meter is indispensable. It enables your supplier to track peak and off-peak usage, adjusting your bill accordingly. If you don’t have one, most energy providers offer free installations; check your eligibility.
  2. [1:02 AM]Navigating Tariff Options When selecting an EV tariff, consider:
    1. Peak vs Off-Peak Times: Ensure your off-peak window aligns with your charging needs.
    1. Hardware Compatibility: Verify your vehicle and home charger compatibility with the chosen tariff.
    1. Fixed vs Variable: Weigh the benefits of sticking with the same supplier against potential early exit fees.
    1. Green Credentials: Scrutinize the environmental claims of “green” tariffs for authenticity.
    Beware of Misleading Rates Some EV tariffs may advertise enticingly low off-peak rates, but beware of short durations or high daytime rates offsetting savings. Compatibility Concerns Certain tariffs may require full control of EV charging, necessitating compatible vehicles or chargers. Choose a tariff agnostic to your equipment to avoid compatibility issues. To Lock or Not to Lock? While fixed deals provide stability, energy price volatility may impact long-term savings. Stay informed about market trends before committing. Greenwashing Alert Not all “green” tariffs are genuinely environmentally friendly. Read the fine print to understand the actual environmental impact. Maximizing Your EV Tariff Once you’ve chosen the right EV tariff, optimize its benefits:
    1. Install a Home Charger: Faster charging during off-peak hours maximizes savings.
    1. Use a Smart Charging App: Apps like offer features like Smart Charging, cash rewards, and greener charging options.
    In conclusion, as the energy market evolves, savvy EV drivers can make substantial savings. Explore the options, choose wisely, and enjoy the perks of an EV tariff tailored to your needs.
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