Untethered EV Chargers: Cut the Cord & Charge

Explore the future of convenient charging with untethered EV chargers – seamless, wireless, and ready to power your journey.
untethered ev chargers

If you’re thinking about becoming an electric vehicle owner or have already made the switch, one of the key considerations is home charging. While the network of public EV chargers is expanding, having a home charger provides convenience and peace of mind. When it comes to home chargers, there are two main types to choose from: tethered and untethered.

Tethered chargers come with a fixed cable attached to the charging unit, while untethered chargers offer a detachable charging cable. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and it’s essential to understand the difference to make the right choice.

For those looking for wireless electric vehicle charging, portable EV charging stations, or cordless electric car chargers, untethered EV chargers are the answer. They provide the freedom to charge your electric vehicle without being tied down by a fixed cable. With these autonomous EV charger units, you can enjoy the convenience of charging your car wherever you want.

Key Takeaways:

  • Untethered EV chargers offer wireless electric vehicle charging and the flexibility of a portable charging solution.
  • Portable EV charging stations are cordless and provide the convenience of charging your car wherever you want.
  • Autonomous EV charger units offer the ease of use without the need for a fixed cable.
  • Untethered EV chargers are a great choice for those seeking convenience, flexibility, and portability.
  • Cordless electric car chargers provide a neat and tidy charging solution without the hassle of cable management.

Tethered EV Chargers: Convenience with Some Drawbacks

Tethered EV chargers provide the convenience of a fixed cable that is always ready for use, saving you time by eliminating the need to untangle and plug in a separate cable. However, it’s important to consider the drawbacks that come with this type of charger.

The fixed length cable of tethered EV chargers may limit your charging options in certain parking situations. You’ll need to ensure that the cable can reach your vehicle’s charging port without any issues.

Tethered chargers are generally more expensive compared to their untethered counterparts. This is mainly due to the integrated cable and connectors, which add to the overall cost of the charger.

If the cable of a tethered charger breaks or becomes weak, it can be a costly affair to replace it. You may need to hire a professional electrician to replace the cable, which adds to the expense.

Cable storage is another concern with tethered chargers. You’ll need to find a suitable location to store the cable when it’s not in use. This can be untidy and even pose a tripping hazard if not managed properly.

To give you a better understanding, here is a visual comparison of tethered EV chargers:

Tethered EV Chargers Pros Cons
Convenience of a fixed cable – Always ready for use
– Saves time
– Limited charging options in certain parking situations
Higher cost due to integrated cable and connectors
– Costly to replace if cable breaks or becomes weak
– Requires cable storage

Tethered EV Chargers - Convenience with Some Drawbacks

“Tethered EV chargers offer the convenience of a fixed cable but may not be suitable for every charging scenario. Consider the limitations and potential costs associated with tethered chargers before making a decision.” – Electric Vehicle Enthusiast

Untethered EV Chargers: Flexibility and Cost Savings

Untethered EV chargers offer greater flexibility with their portable design and detachable charging cable. Unlike their tethered counterparts, untethered chargers do not have a fixed cable attached to the charging unit, allowing for easier movement and storage.

One of the key advantages of untethered chargers is their lower cost. Without the need for a built-in cable, these chargers tend to be more affordable. This makes them an attractive option for electric vehicle owners looking for a budget-friendly charging solution.

Maintenance is also hassle-free with untethered chargers. If the charging cable gets damaged or worn out, it can be easily replaced without the need to replace the entire unit. This not only saves time but also reduces maintenance costs in the long run.

Some models of untethered chargers come with lock functions, which provide added security by allowing users to secure the charging cable in place. This feature ensures that the cable stays connected during the charging process, providing peace of mind while your electric vehicle replenishes its battery.

Another advantage of untethered chargers is the neat and tidy charging setup they offer. With no fixed cable to deal with, you can keep your charging area organized and free from clutter. Say goodbye to messy cables laying around and tripping hazards in your garage or driveway.

However, it’s important to note that untethered chargers do have some drawbacks. One potential downside is the longer set-up time required to connect both ends of the charging cable. Unlike tethered chargers, which are always ready to use, untethered chargers require a few extra steps to connect the cable to the charger and the vehicle.

Additionally, safety concerns can arise if low-quality cables or charging units are used. It’s essential to choose reputable brands and ensure that all components meet safety standards to mitigate any potential risks.

Find out more about the benefits and considerations of untethered EV chargers by checking out the table below.

Untethered EV Chargers: Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Greater flexibility with portable design Longer set-up time to connect both ends
Lower cost compared to tethered chargers Potential safety concerns with low-quality components
Easy maintenance with replaceable charging cables
Lock functions for added security
Neat and tidy charging setup without cable storage

untethered EV chargers

Choosing the Right EV Charger for You

The decision between a tethered and untethered EV charger ultimately depends on your personal needs and preferences. However, if you want the best of both worlds, consider the Zaptec Go. This charger is certified to the highest safety standards and offers simple installation. It also features built-in future-proof technology. To make an informed decision, learn more about the Zaptec Go and request a quote today.

Zaptec Go: Safety Standards and Simple Installation

When it comes to choosing an EV charger, safety and simplicity are key factors to consider. The Zaptec Go charger is designed with the highest safety standards in mind, providing you with peace of mind while charging your electric vehicle. With its simple installation process, you can have your charger up and running in no time.

Future-Proof Technology for Your EV Charging Needs

Investing in the future is essential, especially when it comes to your EV charging infrastructure. The Zaptec Go features built-in future-proof technology, ensuring compatibility with upcoming advancements in electric vehicle technology. This means that your charger will remain relevant and efficient for years to come.

“The Zaptec Go charger combines the best elements of tethered and untethered chargers, making it the ideal choice for homeowners seeking convenience, safety, and longevity in their EV charging solution.”

Comparison of Zaptec Go with Tethered and Untethered Chargers

Features Zaptec Go Tethered Charger Untethered Charger
Safety Standards Certified to the highest safety standards May vary depending on the brand May vary depending on the brand
Installation Simple installation process Requires professional installation Requires professional installation
Future-Proof Built-in future-proof technology Depends on the model Depends on the model


When it comes to home charging, the choice between tethered and untethered EV chargers ultimately depends on your personal preference and needs. Tethered chargers offer convenience with their fixed cables always ready for use, while untethered chargers provide flexibility and cost savings with their portable design and detachable cables.

Before making a decision, it’s essential to consider factors such as your charging needs, budget, and safety concerns. Tethered chargers may limit charging options in certain parking situations and tend to be more expensive due to their integrated cables. On the other hand, untethered chargers require longer set-up time to connect both ends and may raise safety concerns if low-quality cables or charging units are utilized.

To combine the benefits of both types, consider exploring options like the Zaptec Go. This innovative charger not only offers convenience, flexibility, and cost savings but also meets the highest safety standards. With its simple installation and future-proof technology, the Zaptec Go is a reliable choice for untethered home charging.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a charging solution that fits your lifestyle, ensures the convenience and flexibility you desire, and powers your EV with ease. Whether you choose a tethered or untethered EV charger, home charging brings convenience, cost savings, and peace of mind when it comes to the safety of your charging experience.


What are the different types of home EV chargers?

The two main types of home EV chargers are tethered chargers and untethered chargers.

What is a tethered EV charger?

A tethered EV charger has a fixed cable attached to the charging unit, providing convenience and saving time.

What are the advantages of a tethered EV charger?

Tethered chargers are always ready for use and eliminate the need to untangle and plug in a separate cable.

Are there any drawbacks to using a tethered EV charger?

Yes, tethered chargers may have a fixed length cable, limiting charging options in certain parking situations. They are generally more expensive due to the integrated cable and connectors. If the cable breaks or becomes weak, it can be costly to replace. Additionally, tethered chargers require cable storage, which can be untidy and pose a tripping hazard.

What is an untethered EV charger?

An untethered EV charger has a detachable charging cable, offering greater flexibility and portability.

What are the advantages of an untethered EV charger?

Untethered chargers are generally less expensive than tethered chargers, as they don’t include a built-in cable. They are also easy to maintain, as the charging cable can be easily replaced if damaged. Some models have lock functions to secure the cable in place. Untethered chargers provide a neat and tidy charging solution without the need for cable storage.

Are there any drawbacks to using an untethered EV charger?

Yes, untethered chargers may have a longer set-up time to connect both ends of the charging cable. There can also be potential safety concerns if low-quality cables or charging units are used.

How do I choose the right EV charger for me?

The decision between a tethered and untethered EV charger ultimately depends on your personal needs and preferences. Consider factors such as charging needs, budget, and safety concerns. The Zaptec Go is a versatile option to explore, as it combines the benefits of both tethered and untethered chargers.

What is the Zaptec Go?

The Zaptec Go is a certified EV charger that offers simple installation, built-in future-proof technology, and meets the highest safety standards. To learn more and request a quote, visit our website.

What should I consider when choosing an EV charger?

When choosing an EV charger, consider factors such as safety standards, installation ease, long-term durability, and future-proof technology. It’s important to find a charging solution that fits your lifestyle and powers your EV with ease.

Which type of EV charger is right for me?

The choice between a tethered and untethered EV charger depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each and consider the Zaptec Go as a versatile option that combines the best features of both.
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